The 4 foods you need to eat for healthy skin

Posted: March 20, 2017 By: Comment: 0

In the ever-changing world of skincare, it seems that there is always a new ingredient that you need for perfect skin. But following trends can be exhausting (and expensive).  So we decided to put together a list of our favourite ingredients that your skin and body will love.

  1. Kimchi

    Fermented foods bring much needed probiotics into your diet, which helps improve the health of your stomach. Kimchi is a wonderful choice for those who cannot eat yogurt. Kombucha is also a good probiotic-rich alternative.

  2. Sweet Potatoes

    Think of sweet potatoes as the sunscreen of foods. It’s loaded with vitamin a, that will help protect your skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun and keep your skin looking younger.

  3. Blueberries

    Loaded with antioxidants, blueberries increase the production of collagen in your skin which helps keep your skin looking more rejuvenated and younger. It also contributes to protecting your skin against harmful free radicals.

  4. Avocado

    The best part of avocados is their diversity! They can be eaten in salads, as part of a sandwich or used as a dip. They are rich in healthy fats that nourish your skin from the inside out. If you have dry skin, eating more avocados might be a solution for you. They are also packed with vitamin e and c, both of which help even out the complexion of your skin.

    Ps, you can use avocados as a face mask too.

  5. (Bonus) Turmeric!

    We know this isn’t a food, but it’s a powerful ingredient that goes a long way when it comes to your skin health. Using turmeric in food or drinks helps manage breakouts and reduces the inflammation of your skin.

What’s your favourite skin-superfood? Let us know in the comments !

XO The Salima Team

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