What your breakouts might be trying to tell you about your health.

Posted: October 28, 2016 By: Comment: 0

Our skin is complicated. One minute it’s oily and breaking out and the next you feel like you need to coat it with an entire jar of coconut oil for it to stay moisturized. It’s forever changing and it can be confusing to know how to adjust care when it seems to fluctuate weekly between oil and dry. But what are you doing in the weeks that your skin is oily that you are not doing in the weeks that your skin is dry? Changes to our skin are often a result of what is going on in our lives.  

And sometimes surface issues can tell you that there is something bigger happening that needs your attention.

Your skin is your bodies largest organ. And often times it shows the first signs of illness and fatigue. It can tell you so many things about how your body is doing, but not many people know how to read the signs. The normal reaction to break oust is to get frustrated and buy new product from the drugstore. And that will probably help clear up the breakout, but it won’t keep it from reoccurring. There is a reason your skin is breaking out, and it’s not a cry for more benzoyl peroxide.

How do you take care of yourself?

This is one of the most important elements of skin care. Our skin is like the honest aunty at dinner parties who will tell you if a dress is unflattering or if you’ve gained weight. Had a stressful week? Your skin will tell you. Forgot to wash your makeup off one too many times? Expect a break out. There are no secrets with our bodies, and unfortunately too many times we look for a quick fix instead the cause of the breakout. Healthy skin starts with understanding what breakouts mean.

And where you break out tells you a different story about your overall health.

Acne around the lower third of the face, particularly around the jawline is generally hormonal. If you’ve been experiencing constant breakouts in this region, there could be a hormonal imbalance in your body. Often times, the foods we eat everyday contain hormones that can disrupt the internal balance in our bodies. Try switching to organic foods when possible, especially with meat and eggs. If the problem is persistent, it may be important to see a doctor.  

If you are breaking out around your cheeks and the midsection in your face, your issue might be oral. Cavities on your teeth can often lead to stubborn breakouts along your cheeks that just don’t seem to go away. Make sure that you are using mouthwash and flossing, and see if you can book an appointment with a dentist to make sure that everything is okay.


When it comes to eating well, the skin on the bridge of your nose, particularly between your eyes, is often the first place you will breakout. It’s also an indicator of a skin care routine that needs more attention. Makeup wipes and cheap toners? Time to put those to rest. Although eating a few french fries isn’t the worst thing in the world, if your weekly diet involves multiple fast food runs and frapuccinos, your acne could be driven by a poor diet. It’s important to refuel with nutrient dense food in order to feel and look our best. Try adding a green smoothie to your morning routine, and filling up on veggies every meal.

The simplest things you can do to keep your skin clear and healthy is listen to it. Our bodies need nutrients, sleep and to stay hydrated. And following those simple guidelines can clear up your skin for the long term – something skincare products typically can’t.


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