How to calm your skin during allergy season

Posted: May 22, 2017 By: Comment: 0

Seasonal allergies can wreak havoc on your skin. From dry and itchy skin, to uncomfortable red patches, the changing seasons can make spring-time a little less fun. But you can protect your skin against the changes with two of our favorite skincare routines.

For most people, a change in the season will throw off oil production in their skin, causing their faces to dry up. Our solution to this seasonal concern is simple, and all you need is a few of your favorite Salima products and a bowl of hot water.

Steaming has long been promoted as an excellent solution to so many skincare products. But did you know that with the help of essential oils, it can help calm your skin as well? Fill up a large bowl with steaming water, and in a few drops of a relaxing essential oil, like lavender. Then place your head above the bowl, and allow yourself to relax while the steam works its wonders. We recommend doing a few 5-minute intervals under the steam and placing a towel on top of the back of your head.

Then once you’re finished steaming your pores, gently exfoliate with a small amount of Salima exfoliator. Allow the product to be worked into your skin for one minute before rinsing off with warm water. Pat your skin dry, and apply the Salima ultra rejuvenating mask and then allow it to sit for 20 minutes. Once you’ve washed off your mask, use your favorite Salima toner, then apply the intense hydra cream followed by your moisturizer of choice. And don’t forget your sunblock!

Your skin will feel hydrated and pampered, and you didn’t even have to leave your home. The calming ingredients in this mini-at-home-spa-day help soothe and calm irritated skin, and will also give you a luminous glow. Add it to your self-care routine twice a week, and watch how your skin changes.
Give it a try and let us know what you think,

XO The Salima Team

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