Mind blowing benefits of pineapple for skin & health

Posted: February 20, 2019 By: Comment: 0



We are beyond obsessed with pineapple due to it’s benefits both internally and externally, that we have selected as one of the main active ingredient in our Derma Exfoliant and YOU should be too and here is why;

This is due to the high vitamin C and bromelain content of pineapple. It is rich in AHAs (Aplha Hydroxy Acids) that exfoliate dead skin cells, as a result it helps lift off flaky skin and dead cells to reveal new soft skin underneath. That’s because pineapple is a natural astringent, which helps tighten skin and in the process, shrinks large pores! Pineapples contain a key active enzyme called bromelain, a powerful anti-inflammatory substance which help to reduce skin inflammation whether it’s due to eczema, skin rashes or psoriasis. 

The presence of bromelain enzymes helps in acne treatment and healing of skin problems. Bromelain makes the skin firm and flexible Pineapple juice provides elasticity and beauty to the skin by synthesis of collagen. This is the reason behind our choice in selecting this enzyme as the main active ingredients in our Derma Exfoliant which everyone is has been raving about.

Pineapple juice is the storehouse of vitamin C, bromelain and antioxidants, which are extremely beneficial in the treatment and prevention of acne, fine lines, sun damaged and uneven skin toning, etc. Bromelain softens the skin and used against skin inflammation and swelling. If you are looking for a natural way to slow down the aging process, pineapple is your best friend. They’re loaded with antioxidants and alpha-hydroxy acids, which fight skin-damaging free radicals.

Use a glass of pineapple juice every day to have a resilient clarity of the skin and radiate from within.

It’s no doubt a really tasty fruit but did you know that it is full of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C, manganese, copper, potassium, beta-carotene, folic acid and dietary fibers? And you know what is the best way is to get all these nutrients? Well consuming it in the juice form because it helps in delivering the nutrients faster.

SHOP OUR DERMA EXFOLIANT NOW: https://www.salimaskinsolutions.com/shop/derma-exfoliant/

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